The Powers of The Constitution and It’s Role in Keeping Government Small
Shared By Peter Boykin – Political Candidate / American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist /

The Powers of The Constitution and It’s Role in Keeping Government Small
The Powers of The Constitution and It’s Role in Keeping Government Small
As we witness the government shutdown unfold, and the theatrics that accompany it, pay close attention to the narrative. You’ll hear media personalities suggest that when the average American starts losing their paychecks, certain individuals cave in. But let’s ponder a more crucial question: Why am I losing my job just because the government is shutting down?
Is it not time for us to scrutinize which of our representatives contributed to the growth of government, leading to a state of dependency? Was the average American ever meant to rely so heavily on the government?
Our Constitution holds the answers.
A truly informed electorate should be asking why we’re not pressing the right representatives, those failing to steer us towards 100% Constitutional fidelity. Until we do, this trend will persist.
Take a moment to open your Constitutions to Article 1, Section 8. Examine which government services are endorsed on that list of enumerated powers. It’s time to demand accountability and restore the balance intended by our founding principles.
Fellow North Carolinians, as I seek your support for the position of Lieutenant Governor, I am compelled to address a matter of utmost importance – the powers vested in our Constitution and the significance of its enumerated list.
In a time when the role of government is under constant scrutiny, we must turn to the very foundation that guides our nation – the United States Constitution. It is not just a historical document; it’s a living testament to the principles that safeguard our liberties.
Open your minds to Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution. This section delineates the enumerated powers granted to Congress. It’s a blueprint, a clear directive on what our government can and cannot do. Yet, we find ourselves grappling with questions of overreach and expanding government influence.
Our Founding Fathers were deliberate in drafting this document. They understood that unchecked power could erode the very essence of our democracy.
Today, we must ask ourselves: Are our representatives adhering to these enumerated powers? Are they champions of limited government and individual freedom?
As your Lieutenant Governor, I pledge to uphold the principles of our Constitution. I stand for a government that works within the boundaries set by our Founders, a government that serves the people without infringing on their liberties. Let us rally together, North Carolina, to ensure that our representatives are committed to the ideals of Article 1, Section 8.
It’s time to reclaim the spirit of limited government, to safeguard the principles that make our nation great. Together, we can build a future where the Constitution isn’t just a document, but a guiding force for prosperity, freedom, and the pursuit of happiness for all.
This Article is Brought to you by Peter Boykin
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