The Argument For Stronger Border Security
Shared By Peter Boykin – Political Candidate / American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist /

The Argument For Stronger Border Security
The Argument For Stronger Border Security
The notion of open borders, while rooted in the idea of compassion, inadvertently becomes a gateway for criminal enterprises. Child trafficking is a reprehensible crime that thrives in the shadows of uncontrolled borders. The absence of proper immigration enforcement can inadvertently provide a cover for these heinous activities. It is our duty to safeguard our communities, especially the vulnerable, from such grave threats.
Likewise, the illicit drug trade flourishes in an environment where borders are porous and enforcement is lax. Drug cartels capitalize on the lack of stringent controls, using our open borders as conduits for their nefarious activities. This not only poses a direct threat to the safety of our citizens but also undermines the very fabric of law and order.
As your potential Lieutenant Governor, I am deeply committed to addressing these challenges head-on and ensuring the safety and security of our citizens. I am resolute in my commitment to protect North Carolina citizens. This includes taking a firm stance against illegal immigration and advocating for comprehensive border security measures. While we are a nation built on principles of compassion and openness, it is imperative that we balance these values with a robust commitment to safeguarding our borders.
I will work tirelessly to support policies that prioritize the safety and well-being of our communities. This involves collaboration with federal and state agencies to enhance border security measures, ensuring that our borders are not exploited by criminal cartels.
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