Author: Peter Boykin
Republican Values at a Crossroads Advocating Diversity and Inclusion Amidst Shifting Ideals Shared By Peter Boykin - Political Candidate / American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist Republican Values at a Crossroads Advocating Diversity and Inclusion Amidst Shifting Ideals Recent shifts in corporate focus from Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives, combined with the Supreme Court's [...]
Gratitude, Unity, and Economic Realities: Unveiling the Essence of Thanksgiving in America Shared By Peter Boykin - Political Candidate / American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist The First of Many Thanksgivings Amidst the hardships faced by many today, let's pause and appreciate the opportunity to express gratitude for America, its history, and the collective journey [...]
Our Hope Lies in Our Constitution Shared By Peter Boykin – American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist / Political Candidate In the heart of North Carolina, and indeed, across the entire United States, there exists a beacon of hope—an enduring flame fueled by the principles that have guided our nation since its inception. Our Constitution, […]
World Safety Starts Here In America First Shared By Peter Boykin - Political Candidate / American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist / World Safety Starts Here In America First World Safety Starts Here In America First In considering President Joe Biden's recent push for increased spending to support Israel and Ukraine, I, as a [...]
Divided We Fall Together We Achieve Shared By Peter Boykin - Political Candidate / American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist / Vintage Uncle Sam and Lady Liberty Standing Proud out at America DIVIDED WE FALL TOGETHER WE ACHIEVE The GOP is in the midst of a profound identity crisis, with two distinct factions vying [...]
Free Speech Must Be Free Shared By Peter Boykin - Political Candidate / American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist / Free Speech Must Be Free Free Speech Must Be Free In the tapestry of our American Republic, the First Amendment stands as a fundamental thread, weaving through the very fabric of our freedoms. It [...]
Unwanted Immigration Destroys Budgets Shared By Peter Boykin - Political Candidate / American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist Unwanted Immigration Destroys Budgets Unwanted Immigration Destroys Budgets In the heart of North Carolina, a state defined by its diverse landscapes and a strong sense of community, recent polls have unveiled the top concerns of its [...]
Securing Our Borders: A Crucial Shield Against Terrorism Shared By Peter Boykin - Political Candidate / American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist / Securing Our Borders: A Crucial Shield Against Terrorism Securing Our Borders: A Crucial Shield Against Terrorism In the ever-evolving global landscape, the resurgence of terrorist groups like Hamas raises red flags, reminding [...]

Peter Boykin Candidate For Lt Governor of NC Speaks at the Rowan County NC Fish Fry Candidate Meet and Greet Shared By Peter Boykin - Political Candidate / American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist / Peter Boykin Candidate For Lt Governor of NC Speaks at the Rowan County NC Fish Fry Candidate Meet and [...]
Keeping America and North Carolina Safe Shared By Peter Boykin - Political Candidate / American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist Keeping America and North Carolina Safe Keeping America and North Carolina Safe In the ever-evolving landscape of global threats, the imperative to keep America safe has never been more pronounced. Our duty extends beyond borders; [...]